Tuesday 23 November 2010

Well the North is trying it on

Today North Korea attacked a bit of South Korea so thought I had better write something to tell everyone what's going on.... Nothing much!!!
I live miles down south so I am safe as something that is safe. There is nothing to worry about I'll be forever safe.

Anyway since my last entry what have I been up to? The answer not a hell of a lot to be honest... Just the same old thing really.
That involves heading out either one day or both days during the weekend and do my best to come home at a usual hour and at a sober state...often failing at both.
But it is always fun hanging out with some great people and with amazing stories to be shared. And often the phrase next weekend will be a quiet one.

So what have I done...
Went to a rock festival in Daejeon with a couple of mates and I have not seen this level of debauchery since mudfest... It was called off early because of noise complaints but as a whole it was a success... some great bands and good times.
Had Halloween in Gwangju that was amazing. Some amazing costumes, which included lego man, Elvis, a tampon box just to name a few... Was a great night and a late one as usual.

Well autumn is well underway and almost heading into winter... getting nice and cold here but still nice during the day...looking forward to snow and going to make sure I head up and have a snowboarding trip.

As for the teaching it's fine... my kids as a whole are great and continue to amaze me with how smart they are and how hard they work.
I was invited around to my recruiters house for dinner, which happens to be a students mother too, she was working hard all night trying to complete school and academy homework. It makes me realize why some of them are tired or frustrated and even little shits... they are always working and don't get the chance to relax the way I did as a kid...

Well it's official I have been in Korea too long. I now don't even notice people staring at me anymore... being a ginger I am completely outside the norm no matter where I am but in Korea even more so... I find it funny now rather than annoying. It is just something that happens here however there is one thing that continues to frustrate me here, which is the lack of other food here but oh well need to head to Seoul for some taste sensation.

Oh well that will do for now.... will aim to update a bit more regularly.

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