Monday 9 April 2012

Sucker for punishment???

Well to quote the classic hair metal song; "Here I go again".
That's right I am in Korea for another contract...(If you are keeping count we are at three).
This time I have gone for something a bit different. This time it isn't in's just outside of it in a place called Naju. But it is a 30 minute bus ride into Gwangju so it may as well be Gwangju.

Now what I lack in diners around me the complete kick ass nature of the apartment I have been given more than makes up for it.  Fifteenth floor, overlooking a river is pretty cool but having two bedrooms, a separate tv room, a dining area and kitchen is just amazing. After going from two apartments where if you have a big night of too much beer and fatty food I struggled to fit in to this is awesome!!! (please note; the small size of the previous apartments may have exaggerated just because my new place is just so flippen amazing).

Onto the school that I have been employed by: Yongsang-Po High School. It's fine. I only teach four classes a day and on the whole the kids are great. While the level is low they are pretty respectful and are good kids.
On my first day I was informed that I was to teach at a second school... Naju Technical School. This is a common practice and it means that I receive an extra 100.00 a month for the trouble of going to two schools. I thought brilliant I can save more let's do this.
The feeling has now changed. I would rather burn that 100.00 than deal with these damn kids. I am the only foreign teacher there so have to teach all the schools classes in the two days. This means Thursday I have six, and Friday four. So before I go off on my rant I will tell you the good news. My Friday is great. The kids are fine and I finish damn early so win.
Now onto the negative...THURSDAY!!!
Being a Technical school these are the kids that will not attend Uni, which is fine not to attend it... However, the kids I have all Thursday have checked out of school already and are not wanting to be at school and (as bad as this sounds) don't have the ability to be at school. They are rude, obnoxious and I am going to struggle to make it through without killing one.
Ok that is enough whinging so let's get on to the more fun aspect of this place...The weekend!!!!

Well I snuck into the country after finding out on Thursday that I could fly Friday. It seems to happen that way with Korea. You wait forever then all of a sudden you have to fly now. So I bailed on NZ without saying a proper good-bye and I feel bad about that but know that I will see all my amazing friends again (with the hope of forgiveness).
So my arrival was the day before St Paddy's Day (the day that allows my birthday to be forgotten hence why I am still 29). Knowing there was a party to attend Lush and I turned up and surprise the kiwi ginger is back... It was great seeing all the friends still here and although since I have been back I may not have caught up with them as much as planned.

The other thing making my return to Korea something special is a certain, Lush I left here. It was good seeing her smiling face upon exiting the cab.

This past weekend I headed to Daejeon to celebrate my buddy Ron's birthday and as usual with a weekend there is involved fun and awesomeness!! This weekend also had the added bonus of beer pong and flip cup. Team "Best Villa" did not challenge the scorers with a result of 0 from 4... but it was fun so big who cares.

Tomorrow is Koreas general elections...What does this mean? Tuesday night fun as we have the day off tomorrow... WIN!!!

So until next good, be safe and be awesome.